Monday, 2 July 2012

Reader's Request: Bedroom Makeover

BIG NEWS folks. I officially have my first "Reader's Request". While this reader may or may not be a friend of mine, it is a request it still counts!

A few weeks ago I was presented with 'Exhibit A - The Bedroom' and was asked to offer my design advice...

Needless to say, this room was lacking colour and personality and felt unfinished and drab. It was time to add some Emily Grace to it!

Elements that really worked in this room were the beautiful hardwood floors and the gorgeous great big window!

The only item that I had to work with in this bedroom was the sleigh bed frame. In my opinion, the bed frame stuck out like a sore thumb. It felt very heavy and dark so in redesigning the bedroom I had to address that little predicament. Don't get me wrong, it is a gorgeous piece of furniture, but in such a small bedroom it just took over the small space. Painting the walls light, combined with the light wood floors would have made this heavy piece feel even more 'large and in charge'... dark walls we go.



1. Sarah Richardson's paint colour Thunderstorm is the perfect colour for this bedroom - it's not too dark, and not too light, just right!

2. While I plan on revamping the existing nightstand, for some inspiration I found this very sleek & contemporary nightstand from West Elm.

3. Adding moulding above the bed and nightstand will add character, charm and warmth.

4. A calm but 'oh so cool' looking animal print rug will give this bedroom some pizzazz (a very technical term, I know). From (yes, they ship to Canada!).

5. Two hot to trot 'ikat' pillows found on the wonderful will bump up the cool factor in this room and add a well needed splash of colour.

6. The rectangular shade and silver geometric base of this lamp from IKEA is just perfect for this bedroom!

7. Every bedroom must have some fresh flowers. Flowers are an easy and inexpensive way to add a punch of colour. Get bored of pink? Try out yellow!

A side note: I'm a firm believer in keeping the major elements of any room neutral (ie paint on the walls) and using accessories such as pillows, lamps, flowers, etc. to spice it up a little. That way, if you get bored of it, scared of it, or just end up hating it all together, you can switch it out with little effort and keep costs minimal.

Using the magic of Adobe Photoshop (which I am no pro at, so please no judgement!) I was able to create a digital makeover of this bedroom.

The Big Reveal...

A little before and after shot:

Notice how the bed doesn't feel so heavy anymore? Now the room feels much more balanced and calm.

To keep costs minimal I kept the existing bedside tables and opted to paint them white. I added a little gray detail and threw on some sleek stainless steel handles to bring the dated tables up-to-date.

I opted to keep the existing white blinds (for privacy reasons) and added some pleated curtains on a silver curtain rod to add some texture and warmth to the room.

Have a room makeover request?! I'd be glad to help you out! Just e-mail pictures my way and I'll see what I can come up

Bye for now, 

Emily Grace

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